Stuffed French Toast

First time cooking this. Little extra cooking time as regular french toast, but definitely worth the wait. Instead of peanut butter I put PC Dulce de Leche spread (not a product plug, just being honest about which one I used). Wasn’t overly sweet so it came out just the way I like it.

Long time no post, huh?

Just been busy. Had my birthday come and go, bought an iMac, and made Kimchi ❤️. Last couple of months I’ve been swamped with work so I get home drained. Anyhoo here is some pics from the last few months!

Lunch in Downtown Toronto @ RubySoho
Calamari for a starter
Birthday Lunch @ The Keg
Kimchi Batch Fall 2021
Kimchi Fried Rice
New iMac! Excuse the desk, it’s the next thing on my shopping list. As well as a new chair.

And that’s it! until next time!


Having a bit of a bad day. I’m trying to put Windows 10 Home on my computer, Microsoft website let me choose the method I wanted to save the program on; ISO or USB Drive. I chose USB drive. It said it needed 8GB of space. I had room with the rest of my files so I clicked ok.

Why did this stupid program wipe my entire 1TB external USB drive for 8GB of program?

Why? Why?! wHy?!?!?!!!!!!

Years of art, stories, memories, reference materials…. Gone.


Crab Mac n’ Cheese

You know you are a foodie when you get a sudden craving and actually spend $39 on king crab legs so you can have it in your mac.

Didn’t make enough cheese sauce at this point but man look at all that crab.
After I made more cheese sauce and served dinner.

Christmas Breakfast and Sunday Breakfast

Hotel eggs, Hickory Farms Beef Sausage, Ham, Rye Toast

So for those of you who don’t know, those round little sausages are the Hickory Farms Beef Sausage. The large ones are like $22 per stick. And it’s on sale today online so, you’re welcome. 😘

Finally got that instagram breakfast sandwich down.

Smoko Boba Themed Mini Fridge

So couple months back I saw a product on Instagram that I immediately thought “You’re coming home with me”.

That was the Smoko Pearl Boba Tea Mini Fridge. I even paid extra for two day delivery. They were supposed to send it out August 30th or so, but as we all know, Covid kills everyone’s flex.

But image my delight when I finally got my alert that my pre-ordered item finally got shipped!!!

Introducing my new (appliance) child;

Smoko Pearl Boba Tea Mini Fridge
Inside Mini Fridge

P.S.; they just started pre-orders for the Mini Mini fridge.